Alternative vs. MSM

Image result for Mainstream media
What is MSM, or Mainstream Media?

"The mainstream media refers to conventional newspapers, television and other news sources that most people know about regard as reliable." (Collins English Dictionary) A few examples of MSM are ABC,  NBC, CNN, and Fox News. MSM is radio, television, and newspaper.

Mainstream media has a strong influence because it is able to reach so many people. It is good that people are able to all receive the same news in an almost immediate way, but some news sources can present information with a bias. This can be confusing if two popular MSM sources are spreading information with different biases.

Image result for The anti media

What is Alternative Media?

Alternative media is news sources that are everything MSM ( Mainstream Media ) is not. Alternative media cites are smaller websites, news casts, or journals that capture what MSM puts out, and makes it their own. From what I read, a lot of these alternative media sources try to prove what the big time news sources are saying to be wrong. Alternative media can come in print, websites, news casts, or podcasts. There are hundreds of sources that could be considered Alternative.

A good portion of Alternative Media groups are political groups, or ethnic minorities, labor groups, or LGBT communities. They sometimes come from independent authors, but also can come from larger groups. They can be subversive, underground, or grass-root. Many Alternative media sources are "non-commercial projects".

A popular alternative media cite is called The Anti-Media. It has become one of the top 25,000 visited websites in the world because it has gained so much popularity from Facebook. Another popular website that is considered to be Alternative Media is Moon of Alabama. This cite is known for taking information discussed on MSM cites, and trying to prove it wrong.


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